
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The New Rules of Lifting for Women

To end our blog series I wanted to share with all of you a very beneficial book on lifting for women. This publication starts by taking a somewhat brutal approach to what women have been doing wrong in the gym and explains why they should be lifting more and heavier weights. Also included is a diet plan and workout plan that lasts roughly 6 months to complete. I found the book to be very inspiring and a great motivator to get to the gym and start lifting. Below I posted a link to Meals and Miles, another fitness blog that gives a more in-depth review of the book, as well as a link to purchase the publication. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 16, 2015


This article talks about how important it is to be true to yourself and set realistic fitness goals. It is important to understand that being healthy and staying healthy are long-term changes that you must be willing to make.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


While we've chosen to stay away from posting about different diets, it is still very important to talk a bit about nutrition. It is a common misconception that not eating before or after a workout is the fastest way to gain muscle and see improvement. This couldn't be more wrong. Here is a list of 50 small snacks that are good for both pre and post workouts. These food items will help your body regain some of the protein lost during the workout or will help to fuel your workout and ultimately given you better results.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


For those of you who may be interested in adding strength training to your daily workout, check out this article about Crossfit. The high intensity workouts keep you in shape while the strength training allows for you to build muscle and become stronger.